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Contact Me to Learn More About Relocation to Texas

Whether you're moving across town or across the country, I'm here to help. From finding your ideal neighborhood to connecting you with the best local resources, we specialize in making your relocation easy and stress-free.

Why You Need a REALTOR®

Who Pays For What?


Below you will find the customary distribution of expenses for the purchase of real estate in Texas. Keep in mind that many of these items can be negotiated by either party at the time of the offer, excluding some expenses the lender requires the seller to pay.

The Costs of Buying

Lenders will require an Appraisal before lending on the home. Typically appraisals are $400-$700.
Down Payment
A Down Payment is the money a buyer pays at closing to fund a home purchase, usually expressed as a percentage of the total home price. The required down payment amount varies depending on the type of loan.

Why Pre-Approval is imperative


• Pre-approval determines which loan program best fits your needs.

• You won't waste time considering homes you cannot afford.

• You are ready to write and present an offer on the home you really want when you find it.Your agent can give the seller a pre-approval letter on your behalf.

• If there are multiple offers on properties, pre-approval puts you in a much better negotiating position.

• You will know the amount needed for down payment and closing costs.

• If you are a first-time buyer, you may be able to qualify for a special first-time buyer program that could allow you to afford more home for your money.

• If you feel you would like and can afford a higher mortgage payment, other options may be available. Speak with your lender for more information.

• Lastly, peace of mind.


Understanding Credit Score

Open Order Timeline- Your help will ensure a positive closing experience

Provide the following items with the contract: Any addendums, including seller disclosure Contact information for buyers/sellers, Survey with completed T47 affidavit (if applicable), Lender contact information
Please provide within 5 business days of delivering contract: New lender contact information, Mail-Out or Power of Attorney information

inquire before you wire

From Contract to Close

What is a title commitment?

This is where you will find the who, what, where and how much information. The most important information here will be the name of the person who holds the existing title, the legal description of the land and the name of the proposed insured (buyer), the sales price and the name of the lender. All parties and the title company should make sure all of the information is accurate when it is compared to the sales contract.
This is the section of the title commitment that addresses where other parties have any interest or control of the use of the property. Examples of this are utility easements and building setbacks. A utility easement is a common item to find here. This would be a part of the land that a utility company has the right to use. A setback prevents the owner from building a certain distance from a property line. Schedule B is also the section in which exceptions will be noted. Exceptions in this case are anything that will not be covered by title insurance.

Understanding Title Insurance

Before issuing a title policy, title companies check for defects by examining public records, including deeds, mortgages, wills, divorce decrees, court judgments, tax records, liens and plats. The title search determines who owns the property, what outstanding debts are against it and the condition of the title. If someone claims interest in the property, the title company will pay for any actual loss (up to the amount of coverage) and defend your title in court when:




Here are some of the principal reasons to obtain and review a survey:

• To determine whether improvements (buildings, driveways, fences, utility lines, etc.) intended to be located on your property encroach into a neighbor's property, or vice versa.

• To mark the boundaries on the ground, so they are clear to observers standing on or near the property.

• To provide the evidence needed by the title insurer to delete certain standard exceptions to coverage and thereby provide "extended coverage" against off-record title matters (including matters that would be revealed by an accurate survey).


The TREC (Texas Real Estate Commission) Contract was revised several years ago giving the option to sellers and buyers to use existing surveys when appropriate. Per the TREC contract, not only does the buyer have to accept the survey, but lenders and title companies must also approve and accept it. Survey affidavits assist in research and review. However, the best information comes from those who have been on the property, particularly prospective buyers and their REALTORS®.

To avoid costly delays, the following guidelines for using an existing survey are provided:

• Survey should be completely legible. It must have the property address, complete legal description, flood certification and the surveyor's signature and seal on the drawing.

• Survey must reflect all permanent improvements that are currently on the property, including pools, fences, spas, decks, and additional square footage. If the sellers have added permanent structures that are not shown on the survey, it is important to identify new improvements such as a pool, gazebo, fence, etc. when signing the survey affidavit. This notifies all parties that the survey provided is not an accurate rendering of the property as of the current date.

Almost always it is advisable to forego using an existing survey if improvements have been built since the time the initial survey work was performed. When an incorrect survey is delivered to the buyer and their agent, a new one should be requested. The title company and lender must be informed of the need for a new survey.


It is recommended that a purchaser obtain a new survey if one or more of the following conditions exist:

• A survey shows that all significant improvements currently located on the property do not exist or cannot be found.

• Surveys exist only for portions of the property, but the property as a whole exists of two or more parcels that are not platted and that are described by "metes and bounds", such that without a surveyor's interpretation of the legal descriptions, one cannot be certain of whether the parcels are contiguous, or whether there might exist a "gap" between, or overlap of, property boundaries.

Even when one or more of the foregoing conditions are present, a survey might not be necessary, and the purchaser might wish to bear the risk of proceeding without a survey; unless required by the lender.



While both are great protections to have, home insurance and home warranties offer different types of protection. Learn what each covers and why you should consider purchasing both. Owning a home is the one of the greatest investments you'll make in your life. Protecting your assets is not just smart—it's imperative. The best way to do this is to purchase both a homeowners insurance policy and a home warranty. Purchasing both will cover your home, belongings, appliances and system components in case they need replacement or repair. But understanding the differences between the two products and why you need them can be tricky.

TOP REAL ESTATE 10 Closing Delays

19 Steps to the Closing Process

  1. Choosing your Real Estate Agent.

  2. Choosing your lender (know about different types of mortgage loans and pre-qualification).

  3. Selecting your home (determine the type, the price, and the location).

  4. The Offer (once you have found the property, make a written offer through your real estate agent).

  5. The escrow process (when you have reached an agreement with the seller, the initial good-faith deposit is given to a title company, and the process begins).

  6. The mortgage loan (a mortgage loan is requested by filling out the application forms).

  7. Preliminary title report (is reviewed and accepted).

  8. Inspections and disclosures (the property is inspected during the period specified in the contract, and all disclosures made by the seller about the property are reviewed).

  9. Appraisal (the property value is determined by the lender).

  10. Loan approval (the lender contacts the escrow agent).

  11. Homeowner's insurance (the buyer tells the title company the name of the insurance company that will grant the policy).

  12. Conditions (the title company ensures the conditions are met).

  13. Final visit to property (the buyer inspects the property with the Real Estate Agent, before closing the transaction.

  14. Document signing (the buyer signs the loan documents, and deposits the closing costs and down payment with the title company).

  15. The title company returns the documents to the lender.

  16. The lender's funds are electronically transferred to the title company (the monetary exchange occurs between the lender and the title company).

  17. The deed is registered at the county office by the title company (this transfers the property title to the buyer).

  18. The transaction "funds" (accounting is finalized i.e. money is disbursed to all payees).

  19. The keys are delivered to the new owner, and he takes possession of his new home.



• Determine what you do and do not want to move - plan garage sale if necessary.

• Decide what you are going to pack yourself and what the movers are going to pack.

• Obtain boxes from your mover for items you will pack personally.

• Notify the post office of your new address.

• Gather medical and dental records for all family members.

• Call your utility service providers to arrange to transfer and set up utilities in your new home. Utilities may include cable and TV, internet, water and sewer, gas, electricity, satellite, security, trash and phone. You'll want to make sure you have working electricity and running water in your new home when you move in. Here are a few tips for transferring and/or setting up utilities:

• Create a list of all of your current utility providers and your new providers.

• Notify utility providers of your move a few weeks prior.

• Most water and sewer services will need to be arranged through your city.

• Check what (if any) utilities are handled by your HOA.

• Before moving, call all utility providers to confirm your stop/start dates.

• Study a floor plan and pictures of the home.

• It's a good idea to decide what will go where before the move, so you can instruct the movers where to place furniture and belongings. Try looking at a floor plan with measurements to see what will or won't fit inside a room.

• Clean the new house. Once you move, it's hard to do a deep clean of the house with boxes and furniture scattered about. So, before all of your items are unloaded into the house, hire a professional to do a deep clean of the home or do it yourself.

• Repaint the house and make improvements. If you plan to paint the interiors, it's best to do it before you move in. Otherwise, you'll have to move belongings and cover furniture - not to mention, fumes from the paint could give you a bad headache. If you plan to paint your home before moving in, remember first to clean the surfaces, repair cracks in the wall and tape off areas you don't want to paint.

• Turn on the AC or heating system in the new home. If it's hot outside, it's a good idea to turn the AC on inside the home before you move in to prevent mold and mildew. If it's cold out, you may want to turn the heat on before moving day, so you're not freezing inside the house.




From your toiletries to your kitchen gear, there are certain things you will need during the first week in your new home. Make sure that boxes filled with essentials are clearly labeled so you can find them when you need them. When unpacking your home, we recommend going room-by-room, starting with the bedrooms and the kitchen. Next, unpack your living room, office and laundry necessities. Save rooms with non-essentials, such as a gym, playroom and powder room, for last.


Finished unpacking? Now it's time to get rid of those boxes. You can always sell or give away moving boxes to those who need them, or you can simply take your moving supplies to the closest recycling center. Just don't forget to flatten the boxes before you go.


After unpacking your belongings and arranging your furniture, you'll be able to better assess what you still need in the home. Whether it's a new corner sectional to fill the large living space or a few pieces of wall art to complete the room, now's the time to take stock of what you need.


Don't forget to change the locks when you move in.

For safety and security reasons, making a few copies of the new keys is also a good idea in case you lose one. To rekey the house, you'll need to contact a local locksmith during the first week in your new home.


If the home already has a security system in place, you'll need to contact the company to arrange for a transfer of service to your name. In addition, most security companies will want to come out to the house to make sure the security system is installed to your liking. Passwords and passcodes will also need to be changed.


Often, former residents leave a folder with warranty information and appliance manuals for the new residents. After the move, locate this folder in your home. If you don't see one, reach out to the sellers (or their Realtor) to ask for warranty information if they have it.


Upon moving into your new home, test the smoke detectors to ensure they're in working order. Install carbon monoxide detectors on every level of the house. The EPA's directions for installing carbon monoxide detectors state: "Detectors should be placed on a wall about 5 feet above the floor. The detector may be placed on the ceiling. Do not place the detector right next to or over a fireplace or flame-producing appliance. Keep the detector out of the way of pets and children. Each floor needs a separate detector."


If you have babies or small children, you know the importance of child-proofing a home as soon as possible. From stair gates and window locks to outlet covers and corner protectors, there are certain child-proofing tools you should include in either an easy-to-reach moving day bag or in a separate, clearly labeled box. Remember that simple precautions, such as closing bathroom doors, attaching doorknob covers and placing a toddler in a pack 'n play while unpacking, will go a long way in keeping your kids safe.


This company should offer quarterly inspections, spot treatments and same-day appointments when pest issues arise.


For those that live in an older home and/or in a location with extreme temperatures (hey, Texas), it's important to conduct an energy audit of the new home. With an energy audit, a professional will conduct a room-by-room examination to detect any air leaks or gas leaks in the home. For instance, if cold air leaks through drafty windows, your HVAC system must work overtime to keep up with the home's heating needs. This leads to higher energy bills and wasted energy.


It's easy to forget to pay certain bills (especially new bills) when you're busy unpacking and settling into a new home. Make it easier by automating all credit card and bill payments online. For instance, if the new home is part of an HOA community, you'll likely need to make monthly payments. To ensure you don't forget, go ahead and authorize automatic bill payments towards your HOA.


No matter where you move, you'll likely need a trusted handyman, plumber and electrician at some point. Don't wait until your AC dies or your toilet overflows to find one. Go ahead and research local service professionals in your area to figure out who you want to hire to help with home maintenance needs.


After purchasing your home, you can ask the sellers or neighbors for trash and recycling pickup timing.


Moving can be stressful for anyone, but it's also stressful for our furry friends. Pets have an instinctive fear of new surroundings, but as pet owners we can help them adjust quickly with careful planning and preparation. Here are some tips to help create a more pleasant experience for our pet companion (s).

PRE MOVE UPDATE TAG and microchips with new contact information. Make sure new collars fit snugly.

GET VET RECORDS and any prescriptions from your current vet so you can transfer them to your pet's new doctor.

TAKE TIME PACKING so as not to not stress out you or your pet. Bring moving boxes in early to help them

adjust to change.


PACK ESSENTIALS such as medications, food, and toys. Make sure they are easy accessible.

SECURE IN CRATE or consider boarding your pet for the day to keep them safe.

REGULAR REST STOPS will help prevent accidents in the car. If traveling long distance research pet-friendly hotels in advance.


FIND A NEW VET immediately so you know where to go for emergencies.

LAY OUT ESSENTIALS START YOUR ROUTINE before unpacking your own things. This will give them some

so your pet can feel comfortable in their new home quickly.



Reduce your Real Estate Taxes

Under Texas law, a homebuyer may apply for the Homestead Tax Exemption in the same year that they purchase their home. It is no longer necessary to wait until January 1 of the following year before filing.

It is free to file for the Homestead Exemption. Once you receive the exemption, it generally remains in place; you do not need to reapply unless the chief appraiser in your district sends you a written notice asking you to reapply. For more information about timing, deadlines or requests to reapply, contact the Central Appraisal District for the county in which your property is located.

Use the list below to find your county and corresponding website.

For additional information, call your county appraisal district.

Collin County Central Appraisal District / 469.742.9200

Dallas County Central Appraisal District / 214.631.0910

Denton County Central Appraisal District / 940.349.3800

Ellis County Central Appraisal District / 972.937.3552

Fannin County Central Appraisal District / 903.583.8701

Grayson County Central Appraisal District / 903.893.9673

Hunt County Appraisal District / 903.454.3510

Johnson County Central Appraisal District / 817.648.3000

Kaufman County Central Appraisal District / 972.932.6081

Parker County Central Appraisal District / 817.596.0077

Rockwall County Central Appraisal District / 972.771.2034

Tarrant County Central Appraisal District / 817.284.0024

Wise County Appraisal District / 940.627.3081

The Application for Homestead Exemption can also be found at




Loss in value occasioned by ordinary wear and tear, destructive action of the elements, or functional or economic obsolescence.


The paying off of an existing debt by regular partial payments.


Annual Percentage Rate. The yearly interest percentage of a loan as expressed by the actual rate of interest paid.


One who acts as an agent for another in negotiating sales or purchases in return for a fee or commission.


Beginning with a conveyance out of an original source of title such as a government, each succeeding deed, will, or other medium, which conveys and transfers the title to succeeding owners, constitutes a link in the chain of title. The chain of title is the composite of all such links.


In some areas called a "settlement." The process of completing a real estate transaction during which deeds, mortgages, leases and other required instruments are signed and/or delivered; an accounting between the parties is made, and the money is disbursed; the papers are recorded; and all other details such as payment of outstanding liens and transfer of hazard insurance policies are attended to.


The five-page Closing Disclosure must be provided to the consumer three business days before they close on the loan. The Closing Disclosure details all of the costs associated with their mortgage transaction.


A summation, in the form of a balance sheet, made at a closing, showing the debits and credits to which each party to a real estate transaction is entitled.


An irregularity, possible claim, or encumbrance which, if valid, would affect or impair the title.


Same as "agreement," but usually more formal.


A written document by which title to real estate is conveyed from one party to another.


Down payment or a small part of the purchase price made by a purchaser as evidence of good faith.


Addition to or modification of a title insurance policy that expands or changes coverage of the policy, fulfilling specific requirements of the insured.


Technically, this term strictly refers to a deed delivered to a third person to be held by him until the fulfillment or performance of some act or condition by the grantee. In the title industry, it means depositing with an impartial third party anything pertaining to a real estate transaction, including money and documents of all kinds. The money and documents are to be disbursed and delivered to the rightful parties by the escrow agent or title company when all conditions of the transaction have been met.


A written agreement usually made between buyer, seller and escrow agent, but sometimes only between one person and the escrow agent. It sets forth the conditions to be preformed incident to the object (usually money) deposited in escrow, and gives the escrow agent instructions.


In title industry terms, to peruse and study the instruments in a chain of title and to determine their effect and condition in order to reach a concluston. as to the title status.


Usually referred to, in title industry terms, as the title examiner. One who examines and determines condition and status of real estate titles.


Insurance policies include a list of items excluded from coverage. Items excluded from coverage can be found in section two of Schedule B of the policy.


A legal proceeding for the collection of real estate mortgages and other types of liens on real estate, which result in cutting off the right to redeem the mortgaged property and usually involve a judicial sale of the property.


A warranty provision in a deed or mortgage or other real estate instrument containing all of the common law items of warranty. Also known as a full warranty.


The liability of real estate as security for payment of a debt. This liability may be created by contract, such as a mortgage, or by operation of law, such as a mechanics lien.


A temporary conditional pledge of property to a creditor as security for the payment of a debt that may be cancelled by payment.


This policy is purchased for a one-time fee and protects a homeowner's investment in a property for as long as they or their heirs have an interest in the property.


A legal instrument authorizing one to act as another's agent.


The amount payable for an insurance policy.


A legal procedure in which the validity and probity of a document, such as a will, is proven.


A written promise to pay or repay a specified sum of money.


Deed that does not imply the grantor holds title, but which surrenders and gives the grantee any possible interest or rights that the grantor may have in the property.


In some areas called a "closing". The process of completing a real estate transaction during which deeds, mortgages, leases and other required instruments are signed and/or delivered; an accounting between the parties is made, and the money is disbursed; the papers are recorded; and all other details such as payment of outstanding liens and transfer of hazard insurance policies are attended to.


A deed that warrants the title only with respect to acts of the Grantor and the interests of anyone claiming, by, through, or under him.


The drawing by a surveyor that represents the property showing measurements, boundaries, area, and contours.


(1) A combination of all the elements that constitute the highest legal right to own, possess, use, control, enjoy, and dispose of real estate or an inheritable right or interest therein. (2) The rights of ownership recognized and protected by the law.


An offer to issue a title insurance policy. The title commitment will describe the various conditions, exclusions and exceptions that will apply to that particular policy.


Covenants ordinarily inserted in conveyances and in transfers of title to real estate for the purpose of giving protection to the purchaser against possible insufficiency of the title received. A group of such covenants known as

"common law covenants"

include: (a) covenants against encumbrances; (b) covenant for further assurance (in other words, to do whatever is necessary to rectify title deficiencies); (c) covenant of good right and authority to convey; (d) covenant of quiet enjoyment; (e) covenant of seisin;

(f) covenant of warranty.


(1) Any possible or patent claim or right outstanding in a chain of title that is adverse to the claim ownership. (2) Any material irregularity in the execution or effect of an instrument in the chain of title.


To peruse and study the instruments in a chain of title and to determine their effect and condition in order to reach a conclusion as to the status of the title.


Insurance that protects purchasers of real estate and mortgages against loss from defective titles, liens and encumbrances.


A geographically filed assemblage of title information which is to help in expediting title examinations, such as copies of previous attorneys' opinions, abstracts, tax searches, and copies or take-offs of the public records.


A search and perusal of the public records for recorded instruments that affect the title to a particular piece of land.


An insurance company that issues insurance policies either to the public or to another insurer.


A deed containing one or more title covenants.


Exceeding Expectations

From personalized service to expert market insights, I go beyond the basics to deliver an exceptional real estate experience. Let’s work together to make your next move the best one yet!